Personality Development

Mind Over Image Consulting enables you to understand your limitations and potential teaching you how to work within and around them.

Mind Over Image Consulting has developed various tools, including questionnaires, to ascertain one’s personality type.

Personality Analysis

Knowing your personality type helps you define your future path. It helps you in discovering your niche in society. It helps you decide what job is best suited for your type of temperament. Mind Over Image Consulting offers guidance counseling services for any fork in life.

Personality Development

We have a number of personality analysis tools. We offer counseling and regression services to break free from trauma. A lot of the work is done through faith healing.

SWOT analysis
Personality Assessment

Effective Communication:
Verbal & Non Verbal communication
Listening skills
Rapport building skills
Soft Skills

External Image:

Stress & Anxiety:
How to deal with everyday stress?
De-stressing Meditation
Final Video-Graph

Do contact us for details on this.

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About Dr. Prakriti Poddar

Dr. Prakriti Poddar started healing at a very early age. She started Mind Over Image in 2001 and has been Consulting with corporates and Individuals since. Her extensive experience in the fields of Consulting, Hypnotherapy and Counseling has led to hundreds of satisfied clients.

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