Confidence Building

  1. Introduction – How The Trainer Builds Your Confidence And Self Esteem
  2. How to assess your confidence readiness for any situation.
  3. The four pillars of lasting self-confidence.
  4. Why the past doesn’t have to be a guide to the future.
  5. Learning confidence quickly
  6. Avoiding ‘unseen’ pessimism and negativity.
  7. The 7 Key Skills of Naturally Confident People
  8. How to think confidently.
  9. 3 major confidence mistakes.
  10. Avoiding the pitfalls of positive thinking.
  11. Summary
  12. How to relax when you need to
  13. Using visualization and mental rehearsal properly.
  14. Hypnotic deep relaxation session to help you have more faith in yourself.

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About Dr. Prakriti Poddar

Dr. Prakriti Poddar started healing at a very early age. She started Mind Over Image in 2001 and has been Consulting with corporates and Individuals since. Her extensive experience in the fields of Consulting, Hypnotherapy and Counseling has led to hundreds of satisfied clients.

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