Managerial Effectiveness

Growing your organization by continually increasing your team’s levels of competency
Understanding how your behavioral style influences the actions of others
Determining the key values that can help you find ways to motivate people
Dealing with conflict
Knowing the behavioral indicators that lead to effective team performance
The transformational coach: creating a learning partnership with your employees
Learning how effective delegation benefits the individual and the organization
Improving your skills in managing and leading change
Managing performance and growth: applying the concepts you’ve learned to a simulated case

Problem Solving

Recognize a need for information;
Identify and locate appropriate information sources;
Know how to gain access to the information contained in those sources;
Evaluate the quality of information obtained;
Organize the information;
Use the information effectively.

 Role Effectiveness for Professionals

Understanding Self
Analysis of self by others and self.
Assuming responsibility for growth
Confidence building
Creation of networks
Proactively pursuing one’s agenda
Family-work Interface
Managerial Effectiveness
Role Effectiveness
Different roles
Prioritizing Roles
Overcoming stereotypes
Power and influence strategies
Leadership for superior performance
Managing Change

 Time Management Program

Life Patterning
Role Cycling
Prioritizing and Scheduling
Handling Projects

 Assertiveness Traning

What is assertiveness?
Different types of behavior and their impact on others, i.e. Aggressive behavior Nonverbal speaking up

Basic assertive language:
Content-to-Process shift
Time Out
Slowing Down
Assertive Position Statement
Assertive Listening
Assertive Position Statement – Expressing and Listening

 Decision Making

Determine situations that require some action be taken.
Analyze possible courses of action and the potential effects (determine pros and cons, gather facts and opinions).
Select the best course of action from the available alternatives.
Implement the selected action.
Monitor the effect of the decision.
Reevaluate the decision in the light of the effects.

How Should Decisions Be Made?
The Rational Decision-Making Process
Improving Creativity In Decision Making

Decision Making Theories:
Bounded Rationality And Over Simplification Of The Problem
Intuitive Decision Making
Acceptable Status Quo
Alternative Development

Making Choices:Judgmental Shortcuts In Decision Making
Individual Decision Making Styles
Organizational Constraints On Decision Making
Cultural Differences

 Influencing and Motivation

Guiding principles for motivating and influencing that guard against manipulation
New techniques for establishing rapport
What motivates and de-motivates most people, and how to uncover the needs of specific individuals
Different influencing styles and when to use them for maximum effect
Plan and prepare a strategy for achieving a win/win outcome
Develop a range of versatile behaviors to use when dealing with difficult situations
Successfully use influencing and persuading skills back in the workplace.

 Leadership Development

  1. Understanding the needs and characteristics of the post
  2. Knowing and using the resources of the group
  3. Communicating
  4. Planning
  5. Controlling group performance
  6. Evaluating
  7. Setting the example
  8. Sharing leadership
  9. Counseling
  10. Representing the group
  11. Effective teaching

 Learning Skills

Time Management and Self-control
What’s Important to Learn?
Active Learning with Notes and Study Cards
Reading Effectively and Efficiently
Organizing Information and Concept Mapping
Successful Assignments (Problem Solving and Essays)

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About Dr. Prakriti Poddar

Dr. Prakriti Poddar started healing at a very early age. She started Mind Over Image in 2001 and has been Consulting with corporates and Individuals since. Her extensive experience in the fields of Consulting, Hypnotherapy and Counseling has led to hundreds of satisfied clients.

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